Saturday, March 26, 2011

It's a Hard Habit To Break

The benefit from coming from a large family is that I hear voices of judgement come from many different directions.  Ultimately it is my sub-conscious quoting people I know and not a multiple personality disorder, although sometimes I think the latter would be less painful.  Today my sub-conscious took on the life of my aunt singing the refrain, "21 days is a habit".  She had the benefit of management training back in the 1970's, and remembers large amounts of information from those trainings.  Sometimes I think she could host her own hybrid version of management trainings, if she had the interest.

So, 21 days is a habit.  From her management days, my aunt learned that if you do something for 21 days, you are more likely to continue the practice.  Most people quit something after the first couple of weeks.  We've been doing the reverse book club for a couple of months now, and it has indeed become a habit.  A great habit, like flossing my teeth or eating broccoli.  It has become as much a part of my Saturday as doing laundry.

I seem to be in uncharted territory.  I'm notorious for not finishing something I start.  In my arts & crafts stage, this manifested itself in the form of a closet full of unfinished projects.  In my organizational phase, it manifested itself in the form of a partially alphabetized spice rack.  I am finishing things, and am working past the point where I normally give up.  The sensation of accomplishing something purely for myself is powerful, and addicting.

Who knows what will be next?  Maybe I'll start living out the messages of Dale Carnegie or Stephen Covey.  I could become the human manifestation of self-help books.  I could "Stop Worrying and Start Living".  I could "Win Friends and Influence People".  I could become a "Highly Effective Person" through living out "7 habits".  Or, I could just continue to write and finish things and see where that road leads.    

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