Monday, January 17, 2011

The Finish Line...sort of

I remember my dad telling me that I never finish anything that I start.  He didn't mean the comment to be offensive, nor was it taken that way.  It was just an observation.  It was made after I went to bar tending school and had just quit a bar tending gig.  I had visions of making fruity Mai Tais for roughnecks at biker bars, and ended up pouring wine at a business class hotel in Novi.  So I quit.  Ever since my dad's comment, I've been keenly aware of the completion of tasks.  My track record has improved.  I finished college while having two kids...but every weight loss plan I've started I've quit.  I purchased a house after years of planning, but I haven't finished putting my pictures on the walls.  My record is better, but there's definitely room for improvement.

Given my record for finishing things, finishing "leg one" of a project felt amazing.  I finished a rough draft of a short children's story.  I had written my daughter a series of bedtime stories when she was away at a fine arts camp a few years ago.  She received a story for each night she was away.  The stories were cute.  They still make me giggle.  I decided to develop those stories and see what happens.  Saturday, I completed the rough draft of one of the stories. 

There is still more to do, but I feel like a large part is done.       


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