Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Get Up Off of That Thing

All week I had been practicing Newton's Law of Inertia.  Yeup, a body at rest will remain at rest unless acted upon by an outside force.  I did things.  I don't want you to think that I spent my week sitting on the couch watching reruns of the Anna Nicole Smith show and eating Cheetos.  I just didn't write.  I focused on the mundane tasks of everyday life. 

So, when we met on Saturday, I needed to shake the cobwebs of inertia off my brain.  The Third Life Book Club was the "outside force" that got me off my ass and back into the habit of writing.  It was akin to aerobics after not exercising for a week.  The warm up felt good, stretching the neurons in my brain.  As I got into the writing exercise, I felt the rush of the aerobic high.  And after we were done writing, I felt the tenderness of using body parts that hadn't been used in a little while. 

So maybe this week, I'll practice a different law of physics.  Perhaps gravity needs to be challenged?

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