Saturday, January 8, 2011


I've been thinking a lot about our little project today, now that we've fully committed to it. The concept is pretty simple; in order to stave off insanity and malaise, Jen and I have decided to tackle a writing project. Every week, we will meet for a couple of hours to write; whatever we want, however we want. Maybe I will finish one of my NaNo books, or start a new novel, or devise an elaborate new way to script a grocery list. The point is to have a creative outlet, to keep ourselves intellectually stimulated, and to have fun. A reverse book club, if you will, where we will each write a book, rather than read one. Maintaining a blog will hopefully help keep us committed to the project, and we're each going to try to post at least once a week. If others want to join us, that's awesome, but we'll slog on regardless of the headcount.

Joking about our "1/3 life crisis" inspired the name, but I'm finding a deeper meaning in it now. Doing something for yourself that has no external result can seem almost selfish; we won't gain a new skill or lose weight or get a diploma for it. What's left in the space between your work life and your home life? Like a third eye, the writing project is the third life, a place of imagination and creativity. Also, there is coffee.

We hashed the project out today, and I'm excited. Better than that, I'm feeling kind of inspired. I loved my NaNo book concept this year, and completely abandoned it midway through the month, so tomorrow I'm going to dig it out of my hard drive, revisit my plot and rediagram that sucker so that it makes sense.

And if that doesn't work, I can always fall back on the grocery list.

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